"You are Male by Birth, but Men by Choice." - Orlando Gober
Yes, "Tough Guys" definitely "do God."
This site is for any man who is interested in Christianity and still wants to remain a man, with all the inherent dignity, manliness, honor and integrity that the term implies. This site totally refutes the absurd idea that "Tough Guys Don't Do God."
This site is NOT a traditional approach to faith in general and Christianity in particular. For far too long I believe that the perception of Christian men has devolved – unnecessarily – into a view of the Christian man as being a sissified, goody-two-shoes wimp.
This is nonsense. I don’t know how this gross misconception happened, but it is time to set it straight.
There is nothing wimpy about Christianity because there was nothing wimpy about Jesus Christ. Jesus of Nazareth was without doubt the toughest man who ever walked this earth, and walk it he did. His first followers were tough men from a tough world, and the result of this beginning is that Christianity is the ideal for men who want to think for themselves; men who refuse to follow the sheep-like path of the popular culture around us. This site is for men who wish to live a life of confidence, courage and faith; both in themselves and in their place in God’s Universe.
Ultimately, being a man is a choice, not an accident of genetics. It has nothing to do with the size of your biceps or what you have done in the past. The best virtues of manliness are within reach of any man, and I know a man - The Man - who can teach you all you will ever need to know about it.
Finally, a disclaimer. I have arrived at these conclusions through years of my own labor and study; I represent no church or denomination other than that of Christian - a believer in the life, divinity and message of Jesus Christ.
And I fully intend to be serious, humorous, earthy (sometimes) and even irreverent. Irreverent because I think that Christians often take themselves entirely too seriously. After all, if God created us, he must have a sense of humor.
Other Christians are free to disagree with my ideas, and feel free to comment; I think the time has come to tackle this issue head-on. These are MY views: Unembarrassed, Unintimidated, Unafraid and Unapologetic.
I invite you only to consider them and make up your own mind. That is what real men do.
Please explore the site through the My Posts and About Me links above. I welcome discussion but be polite: I don’t care how they do it elsewhere on social media, this is a Jackass-Free Zone.
This site is for any man who is interested in Christianity and still wants to remain a man, with all the inherent dignity, manliness, honor and integrity that the term implies. This site totally refutes the absurd idea that "Tough Guys Don't Do God."
This site is NOT a traditional approach to faith in general and Christianity in particular. For far too long I believe that the perception of Christian men has devolved – unnecessarily – into a view of the Christian man as being a sissified, goody-two-shoes wimp.
This is nonsense. I don’t know how this gross misconception happened, but it is time to set it straight.
There is nothing wimpy about Christianity because there was nothing wimpy about Jesus Christ. Jesus of Nazareth was without doubt the toughest man who ever walked this earth, and walk it he did. His first followers were tough men from a tough world, and the result of this beginning is that Christianity is the ideal for men who want to think for themselves; men who refuse to follow the sheep-like path of the popular culture around us. This site is for men who wish to live a life of confidence, courage and faith; both in themselves and in their place in God’s Universe.
Ultimately, being a man is a choice, not an accident of genetics. It has nothing to do with the size of your biceps or what you have done in the past. The best virtues of manliness are within reach of any man, and I know a man - The Man - who can teach you all you will ever need to know about it.
Finally, a disclaimer. I have arrived at these conclusions through years of my own labor and study; I represent no church or denomination other than that of Christian - a believer in the life, divinity and message of Jesus Christ.
And I fully intend to be serious, humorous, earthy (sometimes) and even irreverent. Irreverent because I think that Christians often take themselves entirely too seriously. After all, if God created us, he must have a sense of humor.
Other Christians are free to disagree with my ideas, and feel free to comment; I think the time has come to tackle this issue head-on. These are MY views: Unembarrassed, Unintimidated, Unafraid and Unapologetic.
I invite you only to consider them and make up your own mind. That is what real men do.
Please explore the site through the My Posts and About Me links above. I welcome discussion but be polite: I don’t care how they do it elsewhere on social media, this is a Jackass-Free Zone.